Specifically Made For:

Problems We Solve:

  • Corrections: Whether your County Jail, or State Corrections, Big or Small
  • Sheriffs Departments: Road Patrol, Courthouse Deputies, and Others
  • Police Departments: All Police Officers within your Municipal PD
  • Security: Security Personnel at Hospitals, Nurses and all Others
  • University Police: Police Departments at Universities & Colleges
  • Academies: Academies around the Country Training L.E.O.s
  • ​Continuing Education: State Mandated Continuing Education & Training
  • ​Improve The Culture: Better Trainining, More Consistent Training, Give Officers the Right Tools for The Job, Increase Confidence, Build Your Officers Into Better Officer/People
  • Lower Cost: Internal Control of All Training, Reduces Expenses Related to Overtime & Scheduling, While Providing Superior Training Resources via our Website and App Technology
  • Reduction in Liability: Better Quality Training Equates Directly To Less Use Of Force Cases, Fewer Officers Getting Hurt, Fewer Mistakes
  • Improve Overall Health: With Our Agency Wellness Plan You Can Start Giving Your Personnel The Tools To Stay Healthy and Get In Shape

T.A.P. Learning Management Platform is Fully Customizable!
Available 24x7, 365 Days Per Year, Consistent Training for Every Officer!


Tactical Athlete Program (T.A.P.)
* T.A.P. gives your DT Instructors and Officers consistent training. They have access to all our online training content, lesson plans, curriculums, quizzes, tests, videos, all through our customizable online LMS system.  
* Send your personnel to our T.A.P. MASTER INSTRUCTOR COURSE they can create Certified Instructors. This gives the Agency full control of their training, saving time and resources.
* The Instructors can monitor and manage the officers. This multivariable training approach and cutting edge technology is the absolute best system on the market for officer training.


- Fitness & Nutrition, Agency Wellness Program
- Mental Health Awareness, Stress Management
- Suicide Awareness, Suicide Prevention

- De-Escalation Best Practices
- Legal Use Of Force Study, Incident Report Writing
- Control & Defensive Tactics

**All Law Enforcement Officers should have access to proper training**
***50+ hours of continuing education credit hours***
Solutions to Improve Law Enforcement Training!

Problems to solve...

1. #1 - Inconsistent Training
2. Lack of Training after Academy
3. Officer Stress & Fatique
4. Retention Issues & Law Suits

Most defensive tactics systems are either non effective or too complex for the officer to retain which leads to failure. These failures have cost millions of dollars in lawsuits!

The fractured public trust, the loss of credibility in the court system, serious injuries and the loss of life supports the failures of today's system and training methods.

Law Enforcement Officers are handicapped by the lack of training hours and education provided and it needs to change....

Correctional Leaders Presentation  Summer Conference/Nashville

A complete all-inclusive holistic training system built for law enforcement by law enforcement with 24/7 access with mobile apps & templated lesson plans. 

Complete Tactical Consultants Mission
is to change the culture of today's law enforcement training, give officers the proper training fundamentals, and to teach them the skills to be confident when taking a subject into custody, so everyone is safe.


Check Out This Video Demo of T.A.P.

How to Implement the entire T.A.P System into your Agency.

Why this Holistic Program is Revolutioinizing the Law Enforcement Industry!

  • Benefit: All content is video based, leading to greater consistency of training and the ability to always go back and review 24x7, 365 Days Per Year!
  • Benefit: Our modules cover: Fitness & Nutrition, Agency Wellness Program, Mental Health Awareness, Stress Management, Suicide Awareness, De-Escalation Best Practices, Legal & Use Of Force Case Law, Incident Report Writing, Defensive Tactics Instruction Customized for the Officers and Instructors!
  • Benefit: Our learning management system will allow your T.A.P. Instructors to fully educate their officers (students), tracking the videos they watch, the quizzes they take, the testing results, with all coursework, curriculums, lesson plans, power points, and other documentation turn-key ready to go! This saves your agency and Instructors countless hours!

A Holistic Training System for Officers

How TAP Compliments the Correction Industry

Implement TAP into Your Agency

Watch these important videos that explains the T.A.P. Certification and Instructor Course curriculum and learn how to implement this training.....

G.L.O.V.E. Training Highlight Video

Master Instructor
Five Day
Forty Hour Course
(Train the Trainer Program) 

(In person at designated training locations)

Courses Included 

Online Interactive 
Basic Training Course
(Individual LEO Program)
Courses Included

OR CALL (888) 708-2284

  • --- Officer Stress Management Routines to be physically and mentally prepared for duty which leads to increased confidence and performance.
  •   --- Nutrition and Fitness which allows for peak performance, the reduction of stress and chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. 
  •   --- Mental Health Awareness and Verbal De-Escalation Techniques which reduces the use of force and allows the conflict to be resolved in a positive manner.  
  •   --- Proven Defensive Tactics and Instructional Guide  
The T.A.P. System is designed to Train the Officer in.....

International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training National Certification Program™ 

What is the IADLEST National Training Certification?
The IADLEST National Certification Program (NCP) sets minimum standards for T.A.P. Courses providing police continuing education and ensures training content meets those quality standards. The standards are designed to meet or exceed any individual State certification requirements thus ensuring that IADLEST certified training will be accepted by all participating POST organizations in the Nation for training credit.

Download Our I.A.D.L.E.S.T. Certification

Download T.A.P. Program Guide

T.A.P. Program was created by a group of Elite Level Professional Combat Athletes, Law Enforcement, Military, and Medical Professionals to fill the void in today’s Law Enforcement training and to offer our clients a Complete Tactical System in the palm of their hand.

The Tactical Athlete Program is interactive and the techniques are currently successfully implemented by the highest level of Professional Athletes and Combat Operatives. These professionals are successful because of their foundation, mindset, and strategy that allows them to stay focused and in the process at all times.
Benefits of T.A.P. System!   
  •  Convenience – Train, Learn, Work at home, at work, or on the road.
  • ​ Affordability – Per studies, agencies save 50 to 70 percent of training costs due to the elimination of travel.  
  • Adaptability – The T.A.P. Certification Course allows you to work at your own speed and study material you may have trouble understanding, review exercises and techniques as needed, and receive support from C.T.C. Staff. 
  • ​ Retention – Studies show that engaging and interactive online training increases retention by over 70 percent.  
  •  Relevance – The T.A.P. Certification Course stays current and up to date ensuring that the officers’ training needs are met and exceeded. 
  • Perform Better - Performance Enhancement Routines created by Dr. Jack Stark are currently being implemented on the highest levels of professional sports. (NBA, NASCAR, UFC, NFL) 
  •  Lose Weight and Get in Shape - Nutritional and Fitness Training programs that you can start using right away from home.    
  • Get Better Sleep & Learn how to relax - Proven and effective meditation and mindfulness routines to stay relaxed and focused on the job and at home!

T.A.P. Instructor Course Recap and Testimonials


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